Have you been waiting for something to happen that will "validate" that you're finally working toward your destiny or calling? Pastor Dele shares that the first step toward something greater is actually on you. If you have a glimpse of something greater ahead, you need to make an extravagant exchange to get where God is calling you to go. There's no way around it, but God will be with you through that entire journey.

Have you ever heard the phrase "I'll rest when i'm dead?" Well, it sounds good, until you start living that way. Without rest, we can't grow and we can't see the world change the way we want it to. We challenge you this week to consider that "God thought so highly of rest, he created a space in time for Himself and he called it the Sabbath."
Ashley Edelen
When we think about injustice, it involves the oppressed and the oppressor; interestingly enough, both people are loved by God and created with glory and honor. How do we both confront the indignity of injustice while preserving the dignity that God created in the human being that we're confronting? In this week's devotional, Pastoral resident Ashley Edelen helps us understand the depths of dignity. Offering dignity to the oppressor and preserving the oppressed's dignity is hard to hear and live out. (Don't miss this week's word study on Friday; it will give you great insight into the depth and completeness of the Hebrew word righteous).
pastor dele Okuwobi
Pastor Dele Okuwobi
A police officer's flashback reveals the common collision of righteousness and justice in our world. They always go hand in hand. Don't miss Pastor Dele's questions. Here one: In this country, when have we made it right with the things that happen between black and white?
Pastoral Resident Logan Bray

Proverbs 3:5 is a famous passage in the Christian bible that teaches us to trust in God's leading but the question that often comes up is–– Can I really trust that God's path is good. The reality is, following the Lord isn't always as simple as a straight path. But as we follow, we know that we can trust that his way is good. Learn what it means for the Lord to guide your paths.

This week's insight, Licensed Professional Counselor, Eric Chang shares surprising insights about the benefits of rest and healing amid hardships.

Joe Kiefer
The first disciples who followed Jesus didn't wait for all their questions and doubts to be answered. They got close, watched, listened, and asked questions to see for themselves who this man really was ( John 6:60; Mark 14:12-26). Re-imagining the significance of remembrance, communion & community.
Famines, poverty, and racial injustice, "where is God when bad things happen?" is a question with merit. Perhaps, however, there's an equally important question that each one of us must dare to ask. When we do, we will see justice.
The story of Hagar reminds us that God cares, God sees, and God hears. Pastor Oneya unpacks two relevant themes from the remarkable story about the God who sees. Story Source- Old Testament Bible, Genesis 16:13-14.
Sometimes the greatest gift you can give another person is to be there for them when they need it the most. Pastoral resident Logan shares some great insights on where to find strength for the journey.

Although fear is an emotion we may prefer to dissociate with, we have to remember fear tells us something. It alerts us to the presence of danger and lets us know that we may need to take action. In this video, Pastor Dele discusses the practical and spiritual aspects of fear as it relates to Covid.

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