Dignity In All Creations

by Michael Oluwatosin OKUWOBIpublished on March 9, 2021

When we think about injustice, it involves the oppressed and the oppressor; interestingly enough, both people are loved by God and created with glory and honor. How do we both confront the indignity of injustice while preserving the dignity that God created in the human being that we’re confronting? In this week’s devotional, Pastoral resident Ashley Edelen helps us understand the depths of dignity. Offering dignity to the oppressor and preserving the oppressed’s dignity is hard to hear and live out. (Don’t miss this week’s word study on Friday; it will

Ashley Edelen

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Have you been waiting for something to happen that will "validate" that you're finally working toward your destiny or calling? Pastor Dele shares that the first step toward something greater is actually on you. If you have a glimpse of something greater ahead, you need to make an extravagant exchange to get where God is calling you to go. There's no way around it, but God will be with you through that entire journey.

Have you ever heard the phrase "I'll rest when i'm dead?" Well, it sounds good, until you start living that way. Without rest, we can't grow and we can't see the world change the way we want it to. We challenge you this week to consider that "God thought so highly of rest, he created a space in time for Himself and he called it the Sabbath."
Dle Okuwobi

God calls us to do things for the Kingdom and oftentimes, we aren’t ready in the space that we are at the moment to carry it out. In this week’s devotional, Pastor Dele Okuwobi dives into why it is so important to lean into the training that God is putting us through to prepare us for the work that we each have been called to.

Dele Okuwobi
“Any race you run in, especially for your faith journey... the secret to winning is first deciding, ‘i’m going to run this race and I’m going to run it with everything I’ve got."

It's easy to find safety in a "just me and God" or even "just me and a few friends" mindsets. What would richness in relationships look like if we leaned into the "more" of relationships with the people God has placed in our path?

pastor dele Okuwobi