Dele Okuwobi
“Any race you run in, especially for your faith journey... the secret to winning is first deciding, ‘i’m going to run this race and I’m going to run it with everything I’ve got."
Dele Okuwobi
We have to contend for unity in the church, and we will need each other to withstand the difficult path toward it. In this week's devotional, we ask a simple question: Why is unity in the Church so important to God?
Oneya Okuwobi

Welcome to 2021

3 years ago
The ball has barely dropped, and already the events in the church have different corners of the church accusing and denouncing each other. Our unity is well within our grasp, but first, we must do this one thing.
Logan Bray

The truth is, loving God and loving people go hand in hand. And love is what makes experiencing God so unforgettable. If God is a God of action, what does love look like in your next step?

Oneya Okuwobi

In this cultural moment, staying united is needed more so than ever; however, what is true unity, and how do we obtain it? Hint, true unity requires walking through conflict to come out on the other side with unity.

Pastor Dele Okuwobi
A police officer's flashback reveals the common collision of righteousness and justice in our world. They always go hand in hand. Don't miss Pastor Dele's questions. Here one: In this country, when have we made it right with the things that happen between black and white?
Pastoral Resident Logan Bray

Proverbs 3:5 is a famous passage in the Christian bible that teaches us to trust in God's leading but the question that often comes up is–– Can I really trust that God's path is good. The reality is, following the Lord isn't always as simple as a straight path. But as we follow, we know that we can trust that his way is good. Learn what it means for the Lord to guide your paths.

Joe Kiefer
The first disciples who followed Jesus didn't wait for all their questions and doubts to be answered. They got close, watched, listened, and asked questions to see for themselves who this man really was ( John 6:60; Mark 14:12-26). Re-imagining the significance of remembrance, communion & community.
Famines, poverty, and racial injustice, "where is God when bad things happen?" is a question with merit. Perhaps, however, there's an equally important question that each one of us must dare to ask. When we do, we will see justice.
Sometimes the greatest gift you can give another person is to be there for them when they need it the most. Pastoral resident Logan shares some great insights on where to find strength for the journey.
Every time we experience a credible threat, we have two options. We either respond in fear, and we flee, or we respond to fear, and we stand our ground to see the salvation of the Lord on our behalf. We'd love to know how you're responding.

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