Dele Okuwobi
We have to contend for unity in the church, and we will need each other to withstand the difficult path toward it. In this week's devotional, we ask a simple question: Why is unity in the Church so important to God?
Oneya Okuwobi

Welcome to 2021

3 years ago
The ball has barely dropped, and already the events in the church have different corners of the church accusing and denouncing each other. Our unity is well within our grasp, but first, we must do this one thing.

Licensed professional counselor, Eric Chang's experience as a Chinese-American is eye-opening. In your life, what has "giving thanks" meant? Biblical thanksgiving has historical Hebraic roots through Paul's consistent emphasis on it. Instead of duty or requirement, "giving thanks" is ultimately about the never-ending goodness of Jesus.

Oneya Okuwobi

In this cultural moment, staying united is needed more so than ever; however, what is true unity, and how do we obtain it? Hint, true unity requires walking through conflict to come out on the other side with unity.

Pastoral Resident Logan Bray

Proverbs 3:5 is a famous passage in the Christian bible that teaches us to trust in God's leading but the question that often comes up is–– Can I really trust that God's path is good. The reality is, following the Lord isn't always as simple as a straight path. But as we follow, we know that we can trust that his way is good. Learn what it means for the Lord to guide your paths.

What's the difference between dead and living water? Two words: The source. Unpacking the real meaning and why the historical context makes Jesus' words "If anyone is thirsty, let him/her come to me and drink" reverberate in the hearts of His hearers and for us today. Story source, New Testament Bible-Gospel of John Chapter 7.

This week's insight, Licensed Professional Counselor, Eric Chang shares surprising insights about the benefits of rest and healing amid hardships.

Perhaps grief is the key to unlocking a whole new world of hope and future. This week's insight, we talk about finding hope in grief.
This week's insight, 21st Century Kid, Cadence O. unpacks the Hebrew meaning of the word Shema and the fascinating relationship between hearing and obeying.

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