Pastor Dele Okuwobi
A police officer's flashback reveals the common collision of righteousness and justice in our world. They always go hand in hand. Don't miss Pastor Dele's questions. Here one: In this country, when have we made it right with the things that happen between black and white?
Perhaps grief is the key to unlocking a whole new world of hope and future. This week's insight, we talk about finding hope in grief.
Famines, poverty, and racial injustice, "where is God when bad things happen?" is a question with merit. Perhaps, however, there's an equally important question that each one of us must dare to ask. When we do, we will see justice.

The language used in Matthew 18:17 is less harsh than we initially assume since Jesus (and his community) is accused of befriending the “undesirables” like tax collectors and Gentiles. Held in tension with 1Corinthians 5, we’re glad to know God is concerned with reconciliation.

This week's insight, 21st Century Kid, Cadence O. unpacks the Hebrew meaning of the word Shema and the fascinating relationship between hearing and obeying.

Although fear is an emotion we may prefer to dissociate with, we have to remember fear tells us something. It alerts us to the presence of danger and lets us know that we may need to take action. In this video, Pastor Dele discusses the practical and spiritual aspects of fear as it relates to Covid.

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