Dele Okuwobi
“Any race you run in, especially for your faith journey... the secret to winning is first deciding, ‘i’m going to run this race and I’m going to run it with everything I’ve got."
Logan Bray

The truth is, loving God and loving people go hand in hand. And love is what makes experiencing God so unforgettable. If God is a God of action, what does love look like in your next step?

Pastor Dele Okuwobi
A police officer's flashback reveals the common collision of righteousness and justice in our world. They always go hand in hand. Don't miss Pastor Dele's questions. Here one: In this country, when have we made it right with the things that happen between black and white?

What's the difference between dead and living water? Two words: The source. Unpacking the real meaning and why the historical context makes Jesus' words "If anyone is thirsty, let him/her come to me and drink" reverberate in the hearts of His hearers and for us today. Story source, New Testament Bible-Gospel of John Chapter 7.

Famines, poverty, and racial injustice, "where is God when bad things happen?" is a question with merit. Perhaps, however, there's an equally important question that each one of us must dare to ask. When we do, we will see justice.
This week's insight, 21st Century Kid, Cadence O. unpacks the Hebrew meaning of the word Shema and the fascinating relationship between hearing and obeying.

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